In this video blog I’ll be demonstrating how to apply an all purpose joint compound with my Knockdown Texture Sponge on a vaulted ceiling repair. The ceiling repair is the entire 36′ paper tape joint right at the vault of the open plan ceiling.
Over time a lot of homes vaulted tape joints end up separating due to a few different factors:

Vaulted Ceiling Tape Joint Repair
1) These type of ceilings are exposed to excessive heat because of how close the vaulted ceiling is to the actual roof.
2) Sometimes when the drywall was installed at the vaulted ceiling the drywall hangers leave to big of a gap at the vault.
3) Another common mistake during the construction phase of when the drywall ceiling was initially installed without using the correct amount of fasteners which lead to the ceiling sagging over time and popping the tape joint at the vaulted ceiling.
4) Other times there is no framing member to attach to at the top section of the vaulted ceiling.
These are just a few of the reason why a vaulted ceilings tape joints fail.
After applying a Straight Flex specialty tape for a nice crisp line along the vault and three coats of mud and a little fine sanding, it was time to use the knockdown texture sponge to blend the existing knockdown texture on this vaulted ceiling repair.
I must say this knockdown texture sponge works great for matching and blending the knockdown texture. I’ve been using one for a several years now and they work great for tape joint repairs and small drywall repairs.
Whether you’re doing drywall repairs on the wall drywall or plaster ceiling repairs you can match your existing knockdown texture with the new knockdown texture Sponge
The knockdown texture sponge is perfect for matching knockdown texture on wall or ceiling repairs and can be purchased from The Texture Master
Buy One Now! @
Start matching knockdown texture like a Pro!
For those DIY and How To Fans out there
I’ve found in my over 20 years in business as a drywall contractor and painting contractor, that using my knockdown sponge texturing technique along with my knockdown texture sponge. I can match most knockdown textures on wall and ceiling repairs that also need knockdown texture patch matched to an existing texture.